Monday, October 13, 2008

One steamy hot, literally, LA evening, as I was reading a darn good book, I came across the most amazing paragraph. As the information soaked in, the fog of my mind parted ways just long enough to clearly see something magnificent. My heart surged with excitement, my lips trembled with the urge to shout it out loud , share the beauty and sweetness that now rolled its way throughout my consciousness.

*Lightbulb was created for this purpose. To share those illuminated paragraphs, poetry, insights and art that move us so deeply, tickle us so pink'ly, and encourage our hearts to keep beating.

Created as a book club of sorts, but not limited or confined to that definition.

There's infinite amounts of space to be creative, riske, and original. Pushing boundaries is not only stimulating, its fun too!

We hope you gain so much inspiration from this community of sharing. Everyone is invited to contribute.
-*Lightbulb Administrator

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