Sunday, October 18, 2009

"I know why the caged bird sings" Maya Angelou, MC Hart

"I believe most plain girls are virtuous because of the scarcity of opportunity to be otherwise. They shield themselves with an aura of unavailabeleness (for which after a time they begin to take credit) largely as a defense tactic."
So many impressive passages in the stories she tells from her childhood. She went through it awake and aware of aspects and dynamics of herself and those relationships around her, which to any seeker, is extremely significant and invaluable. Her stories touch me deeply, I feel like kin with Dr.Maya Angelou, Margurite Johnson.  
This particular passage I relate to because Ive spent most of my life acting unavailable in order to function with everyday society. Insecurities can be easily masked by pretending you don't care or don't need anything. However the long term effects are severely detrimental, if you don't at some point love, try, and care. I'm just getting to that place now I think, pushing myself to care, be brave and reach out to the world and to people around me.

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